Friday, June 4, 2010

LIFE beyond Traffic Signal!!

Signal turned red. Car windows were closed. Still he was trying to connect to people inside car. He was just 4 year old. It was part of his job which he learnt from his elders. He was trying to convince his hunger for food and clothing by making all possible gestures. But trying to collect only money as per instruction. Signal turned green. It was his break time. He started playing with his 1 year old sister who was waiting for him on footpath. They looked very happy with each other as signal was never red. Some question in my mind remained unanswered .Will he ever feel hunger for education? Will he ever feel a hunger for LIFE better than one on the footpath?


  1. A very touching post Muks. I tried to imagine a 4 year old kid going through all this and it made me real sad.

    What's even more touching is the innocence that you have portrayed. As long as the signal remains RED, he is happy playing with his baby sister! This is probably the only life he knows of. It is unlikely that he has any ambition.

    Really well-written. Keep them coming.

  2. Awesome post!!! always felt bad about poverty and hunger but never thought of, " Will he ever feel a hunger for LIFE better than one on the footpath?".

  3. Only when our basic necessities are taken care of can we hunger for more!
    Very heart touching post Mukta!
    And you've thought over a sight I usually like to ignore, because its too painful to answer the questions my mind asks!

  4. I usually tend to look away too whenever I see this sight at the traffic signal coz I feel helpless knowing that I will do nothing to improve their situation!

    Good post. Keep it up!

  5. Very moving post, tugs right at the heartstrings. Poignantly highlights the gamut of emotions the child goes through. You said so much in such few words. Greatly impressed with your laconicism.

    Looking forward to your future write ups. Cheers Muks!...and you are only getting started.

  6. Have observed kids on the footpath like this so many times... Feel helpless...
    Very nice post Muks...

  7. @Kiran: Thanks ,I was really amazed with idea of happiness for that boy when I saw smile on his face.
    @Pramesh:Thanks,Yes need for better life is something We all should think.
    @Janaki,Di,Shweta:Thanks for comments,It was very touching sight ,which gave me subject to write a blog.
    @Raghu: Thanks for comments.It was difficult for me put the incident in limited words.I will try be better next time.

  8. Touching..a story about a four year old ..its true basic needs in life are very important

    Voted you..Read mine A Woman's life
