[Chat window]
me: hey (cliche ice breaker.. huh)
he: hey, wats up..(yea here she comes)

me: i mean...just wanted ask something...pls dont take me seriously in case u feel i m too much making fun/flirt, you can tell me to stop ..i dont reallly wann cross line pls be frank.. i am fine with it (is this a good time to shoot myself???)
he: no problem. but please don't be offended if I don't respond because I'm busy. (yea rite.. cross line.. you are so far you cant even see the line.. dont bore me please...)
me: :):) yea thts fine..just I just dont want to offend you in anyways ....i like fooling arround with u sometime..just for fun...nothing serious ... :):) (pleaseee say something better than "no problem"...)
he: no prob !! (this isnt fun.. you are offending me with your explaination )
me: Thanks !! (hmm..nothing else to say...or explain i guess )
he: sure (whew.. hope this chat is over..)
me: how was your shopping ?? (oh found new angle ...hope this works)
he: just some groceries, nothing special..(guess its not over..)
me: ok.. so you have lot of work...? (yet another angle.. maybe your favourite..)
he: Yeah testing for A, HB for B, Success Metrics, End Customer report..( rolling eyes)
me: :):) fun stuff (can i talk something about this ??? ...)
he: if you say so.. wish some of that stuff was done.. (let me work please!!)
me: ohh tat okk.. by the way..did u get ..tht i was fooling arround from 2-3 days..or i was just making fool of myself..I dont know many dutch people .. (Fool myself!! already done with it, "dutch people" m i out of my mind, what m i saying ..)
he: not sure what you mean by fooling around (you dint even read what i said last... God!.. )
me: means..trying new reason to chat with u...or just making conversation without purpose...i never used do tht before (where is the hole to crawl into...)
he: as long as it's all for fun, it's all good. now need to get busy again.(well have to be direct sometime..)
me: i can just stop it all togthere ... u just say it ...'wink' 'wink'...(wtf am i talking abt, i dont want to stop please!!)
he: doesnt bother me..(i will get nightmares of this conversations... God please.. let this stop)
me: i seriously never ever done like this...very 1st time ....funny it is....anyways...u carry on with work... ( what the hell, 1st time ??, its not funny, i am sweating now ..somebody shut me please)
(say something smart now!!)
abt work now...do u aware of XYZ_Changed becoz i do not really any purpose this job ...whenevr u have time can we discuss on this (pleaseee say yes, )
he: I dont really know the details.. I think we will have to check the changes in ABC and EFG it needs the data from UVW.. but then I am guessing here.. (finally something intelligent talk..)
me: yea but if i look @ logic inside...either wise also it triggers delta somehow there is no purpose of checking this ... (just made up ....)
he: No idea.. sorry.. (really I have to get to my work!!!)
me: hmm ok ..did u hear for homeland nexrt season Carrie wont CIA anymore ..also they will shoot in europe most of part (yet another angle.... where is the hammer I need to hit myself with...)
he: sorry.. really need to work now.. (enough is enough.. please take classes flirting for beginner grrrr!!..)
me: hmm ok... (i think this is good time to really jump from the window now..)